This track was brand new, built by a dedicated thoroughbred owner as the new hope for Michigan racing, after Ladbroke's had closed down Detroit Race Course. Not really as handy as Livonia, however, kinda out on the east side of the Detroit/Wayne County airport, in a sort of desolate area that had never heretofore been developed.
McChump #2 was still out there driving around in general, so we met up for a day at the track. It wasn't too bad, though bit crowded inside. Nice crowd on hand this day. We had fun. Maybe there IS some hope for Detroit area racing.
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Pinnacle 2008
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Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack pictures
Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack
Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack
Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack
Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack
Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack
Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack
Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack
Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack
Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack
Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack
Pinnacle Racecourse racetrack