Claiming Crown at Canterbury Park, July 17, 2004

Oh sure.

You never believed I was legit press. So maybe one of these days I'll write this story properly just to prove you wrong, and the folks at Cby who issued me this badge right.

But meanwhile ...

The Executive version of the 2004 Canterbury Claiming Crown story:

It rocked. As always.

The slightly longer version:

Canterbury hosted a nice pre-Claiming Crown soiree for valued customers and important owners and all sorts of groovy folks upstairs in some fancy room, and somehow I ended up with an invite. And a press pass. (And some beer coupons, for later.) It was great. I was humbled. Way above my pay grade. Thanks a ton to Jeff Maday for inviting me, and Mr. Sampson for tolerating me. I had a great time.

However, it turns out when you're being wined and dined you end up feeling a bit guilty and maybe a little like a sellout if you subsequently write up a big long glowing story, plus of course nothing really stupid and hilarious is happening because let's face it that stuff's downstairs with the hoi polloi (or wherever McChump #2 is), and/or no one is pissing you off. to get your creative juices really flowing like has motivated most of the really stellar stories in this series . So that's about it. I had a good time, but never got around to much else, except for these fab pix. But I will sell out a little and say it was great.